Concrete5 Areas
In Concrete5, an area is an editable section of the page. Examples of 'Areas' would be 'Main', 'Side Bar', 'Header', 'Footer' etc.
You can add any content to these 'Areas' by clicking on titles starting with 'Add to' e.g- 'Add to Header', 'Add to Main', 'Add to Footer'.
2. In the Greek Yogurt theme, The 'Header Area' is located at the the top of the page (but under the logo and autonav).
3. To add text to the 'Header' Area-
3.1. Put the page into edit mode by using the 'Dashboard Bar' that you see at the top of the page.
Click on 'Edit' (found on the top left corner of the page, next to the concrete5 logo)
3.2. Click on 'Add to Header'
3.2 Select 'Add Block'
3.3 Select 'Content' (First one on the list)
3.4 You'll be met with a text editor. Go ahead and type your text. Select 'Add' to finish and add the text you've just written to the page.
4. To add an image- (Same as above)
4.1. Put the page into edit mode by using the 'Dashboard Bar' that you see at the top of the page.
Click on 'Edit' (found on the top left corner of the page, next to the concrete5 logo)
4.2. Click on 'Add to Header'
4.2. Select 'Add Block'
4.3. Select 'Image' (Eighth one on the list)
4.4. Select 'Choose image'
4.5. You'll now be presented with the 'File Manager' where you can select your preferred image by clicking on it and selecting 'Choose'.
4.5.1. If you don't have any images in the 'File Manager', You can select 'Choose' to select a single image from your computer or select 'Upload Multiple' to select a batch of images.