Adding a New Post
Home News Adding a New PostIn-context editing is pretty cool!
By now you've probably watched through the basics at, so you're getting a good sense of how you can add pages around your site. To make a new blog post...
- Goto the blog list page, this is the holder page for all your posts in the site tree.
- Click Add Page, on the upper left.
- Pick Blog Entry as a page type.
- Give it a name and hit return, or click the add page button at the bottom of the drop down. (You don't need to worry about all these other fields yet, you can always change them later through Edit Page > Properties
- You're now on your new blog post page, in edit mode. Start making blocks and get things looking right.
- Exit Edit Mode and Publish your changes.
We offer one on one tutorials to help you with running a successful website.
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Struggling to write blog articles?...
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Concrete5 Web Development
Our web developers simply love building all sorts of funky things for Concrete5 websites.
Concrete5 Web Design
Design is a delicate balance of art, imagination and most importantly; having the right tools...
Content Editing
We will take care of all your content editing needs. Whether you need to add an article to your blog, need some content moved around, or even add some images, files or videos. Let us do all those tedious tasks for you.
7 principles that make your website more engaging..

7 principles that make your website more engaging with Dr. Susan Weinschenk...
The benefits of blogging

Why blog? We'll tell you why...
Displaying a web page in a lightbox

How To: Display external links in a lightbox
Free Images

Free Images from 'Free for Commercial Use'
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Dashboard Photos

Don't like the images in the dashboard? Heres how to disable them..
Concrete5 Areas

What are 'Areas' and how to use them..
All pages are the same?

If all your pages are showing the content from the homepage, heres a quick tip to get it fixed..

Concrete5 Help, Concrete5 Tutorials, Concrete5 Services in London, United Kingdom.
How to :: 'Invalid file'

You may get an 'Invalid file' error when you want to upload an image, video or file to you your Concrete5 website. This is a simple How-To to fix this issue.
How to upgrade Concrete5

Need to upgrade your concrete5 website without the hassle of doing it manually? This is a short How-To to get your website running the latest version of concrete5.
"Add File"(s) feature missing?

You may find that the option to upload files to your Concrete5 website has mysteriously disappeared. Here is a quick How-To to make them auto-magically reappear.
Join the Concrete5 flickr group

Have you got any Concrete5 photos to share with the world? Add them on flickr!
How to resize images.

Need to resize images for your Concrete5 website? Here's how..

A free website build in aid of Breast Cancer Research UK! We were proud to work in conjunction with WOOD INTERNATIONAL and Concrete5 to provide the Montblanc 2011 team with a website to keep everyone updated throughout their journey up Mont Blanc.

Our work. Some examples of Concrete5 websites we have built for our clients in the United Kingdom and around the world. Concrete5 UK.

Contact us. Need a Concrete5 website, hosting or a domain? Design work, Branding or Development? Send us a little about yourself..
Welcome to

Welcome to our new website. We've changed some things around for your convenience. It should be a little more clear and concise now. We used the fantastic concrete5 content management system (CMS) to build the site and we'll do the same for all our customers in the future. So far it's become everyone favourite CMS.
Adding a New Post

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We are Concrete5 Evangelists! Our eyes had been opened by the sight of a brighter future! CONCRETE5 UK !

WHEN TO USE US Helping give agencies a powerful online web building, web marketing tool. Strengthen your web presence, We build powerful websites that will continue to grow organically as your company dynamics expand.

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